Bilingualism London Clinical Excellence Network

We are a group of international and local speech and language therapists and educators with specialist clinical interest and experience in working with children and families from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
As a network we focus on Speech and Language Therapy Services to children and young people from bi/multilingual and multicultural backgrounds. We provide support, help and encouragement to all members and promote the exchange of information and ideas and resources. We aim to contribute to policy in relation to working within the field of bilingualism. We share knowledge and understanding around the Speech and Language Therapist’s role within bilingualism. We liaise with RCSLT Advisors.
If you are interested in following our activity or being kept informed of our upcoming study days you can follow us on Twitter @LondonBilCEN. Details are also published in the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) bulletin.
If you have any suggestions for updating the website, please email us @ bilingualismlondoncen@gmail.com.
This content of this website has been designed and written by Sai Bangera, Emma Nunn, Marie Newton , Victoria Farrell, Sarah Earl and Beatriz López Medina, members of the Bilingualism London CEN, with input from past London Special Interest Group (SIG) in Bilingualism committee members.
We would like to thank the previous London SIG Bilingualism committee members for their past contributions.